You have been Re Defined!
Lets redefine Child Poverty, shall we
Oh dear, you are hungry today, little one
no breaky in your tum tum
those aren't really hunger pangs you are feeling
your parents are just lazy
cause they can't find a job in this economy
What else can we redefine, while we are at it
Oh my, you lost your leg from a bomb
that's not pain that you are feeling
It's just extreme discomfort
from being at the wrong place at the wrong time
Why, you should never have been born
on that oil rich land
You know, we had no choice but to murder Saddam
and besides, you are a Muslim, you have no feelings
you are all about terrorism
We are forced to drop bombs on your land,
train militants to divide you,
create and sell weapons that destroy you
Otherwise, our metaphoric War on Terror will be for nothing, you see
We won't make a hefty enough profit
and that will make our share holders unhappy
My oh my, you were blown up on a beach
while playing football
those aren't really dead bodies you're burying
that isn't the pain of loss that you are feeling
you had no right be living on that land, that your ancestors have been living on for centuries
that land is for Jews only, those with a Biblical claim
You are Muslim, and your belief in the same Bible means nothing
you have the wrong label
Oh well, your house got repossessed
those aren't real boxes you are packing
you aren't really feeling insecurity at all
that is all imaginary
You should never have taken on that mortgage anyway
how irresponsible of you
to want to live in a home that you can't afford
We only bail out the rich bankers
we don't help out lowly souls -- like you!
Time for Austerity
Why, we need the top 1% to become more wealthy!