Who owns Islam?
Who owns Islam?
Who is going to tell me what to believe
or how to practice that belief
Am I going to bow down
out of fear
isn't it love and sincerity
a repentant heart
that bring me through the ultimate door
the one I long for
where the rivers flow
Who owns Islam
was it my ex-husband
who told me how to act, what to wear
and then cheated and lied and abused
is he the one who will open the door
Who owns Islam
is it those who sell oil - sell their souls
to the devil
who guard the Mecca
who call the birthplace of our Beloved, their own
and then oppress all those
within their bounds
Who owns Islam
is it this sect or that one
I used to be told
“Be a Sunni. That is the only version that will be accepted, allowed.”
By whom - by Allah?
Does someone have a number I can dial
because I’d really like to know:
Who owns Islam?